3 steps

In many countries, including Slovakia, a new wave is coming - a "social pandemic". Many people lost their jobs during lockdown and missed their savings. They were on the verge of deciding whether to pay rent, or to pay for health insurance, or to buy food.
We perceive especially the number of people from gastronomic establishments, artists, people who worked on partial contracts, people who worked abroad. The boundaries of extreme forms of exclusion and homelessness have become a real risk for the future for many of us.
In Bratislava, but also in the cities associated in the alliance The European End Street Homelessness, those people who are on the street a day, a week, a month are found by street teams. NGO STOPA is trying to respond to this situation and, thanks to the support of the SPP Foundation, has prepared a special website called www.trikroky.sk. (three steps)
Working with Rarecrew, we have created a website that aims to provide space for people in need, people in crisis, while creating space for fair employers to find employees. In addition to the classic information about job seekers, the website also communicates certain risks of execution, homelessness and the like.
NGO Stopa will also provide future employers with the support of a given person in solving these problematic parts through work with a specific person. The site title is based on three basic approaches:
active street search - streetwork,
housing support "Housing",
stable employment - stabilization of a person from social services.