
Revitalization garden for seniors

Revitalizing the home of social services for seniors was done for the second time. We wanted not only to be enlightened and revitalized, but we wanted the senior to enjoy the time spent in the garden. We believe we have been succeeded.

Revitalization on Kozia street and revitalization of old garden The University of Economics 

As part of the revitalization of the inner block at Kozia Street, we managed to revitalize one beautiful forgotten park, which is located just behind this inner block.

Revitalization of the kindergarten for children

At the end of the school year we made the joy for the smallest people in the kindergarten at Letná Street. We are looking forward to the fact that the kindergarten is again beautifully colored.

Revitalization garden on Za Sokolovňou street for community people

We enjoyed this revitalization, especially because of the excellent cooperation with the inhabitants of the apartment. Our clients, as a part of this project, cut down bushes and clean the parcel behind their flats.


At the end of 2018 year, we moved to our new integration center. We have been able to present our organization to the Dobrý trh, where we also offered for sale at symbolic prices our products - soap, angels and ikebana.

For the financial resources that we can use to work therapy in 2019, we thank to: 

Granvia Foundation, city district New Town, city district Old Town and municipality of the capital city Bratislava. However, we also thank to people, who support us through various grant systems. We appreciate your help very much, without you we couldn't do it. 

Streetmas 2019
Also this year we gave away Christmas gifts for homeless people. 

Community Pražská
This year we worked on a remodeling of the front garden for the community of residents living in Pražská. 

Public area for kindergarten Dubová

We helped to revitalize and plant the coals of the area for the Dubová kindergarten.

Medical garden

In cooperation with the Old Town district we are revitalizing the Medicka garden with our clients. We renovate benches, columns and fence, scratch old paints and paint again. 

Soon we will all be more pleasant in this beautiful place.

Revitalization of the kindergarten for children 

We revitalize the kindergarten at Letna every year. We always like to come back here with our clients.

Revitalization of the garden for old people

For the third year in a row, we have established cooperation with Archa, which is social services for seniors. We believe that this time our clients managed to create a pleasant environment.