Integration centre

Work therapy


    Mgr. Martina Pisárová, contact streetwork and work therapy: +421 948 389 748

    Email: or message on Facebook or Instagram OZ STOPA

    Address: Pražská 33, 811 04, Bratislava

Open on weekdays from 7.30 am to 3.30pm.

The integration center is in the form of the only one of its kind in the city and is one of the oldest functional integration centers in the city. It has been a registered social service since 2017. During this period, it was visited by more than 300 individuals, who were provided with a number of social counseling aimed not only at ending homelessness, but also at preventing its occurrence.

Our work at the center is focused on the quality of providing support to people who ask for it.

How does the process work?:

It's best to call (if you don't have a call, ring and we'll call you back) and arrange a meeting time. 

Respect the rules of the center: come without the influence of drugs and without      aggressiveness. We are here to help you and not to seek the truth in your answers. We provide social services regardless of race, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, and we respect diversity.

The first contact takes about an hour.

The input is an anamnestic interview, which is an essential part of our work to learn more about you and your situation. It is for our purposes only and no one but us will work with it. All information is strictly confidential. 

Don't count on doing things for you. We work on the basis of participation. We want you to handle the situation yourself, we'll show you how.

We can help: 

personal bankruptcy - looking for a legal work - working on PC (CVs, applications, etc.) - searching for housing - communicating with authorities - declaration of residence - solving benefits in material need and various allowances - contacting family - use of telephone for business or official purposes - basic treatment

We can not help with:

providing finance - finding illegal work - using your PC for fun- shower

All services are provided for free. 

Photos: Cukru


Work therapy is part of the integration center and integration process. Work therapy is part of the responsibility to the environment, to the city we live in, to individuals and communities moving around the city, and last but not least to people who have decided to end homelessness.

Work therapy is focused on skills training, especially revitalization of green areas in the city. It is an activity for clients financially rewarded so that they do not have to deal with survival by begging, collecting secondary raw materials, etc. As this is a long-term and demanding process, individuals who receive this assistance for 6 months are consistently selected for the process.

As a result of this activity, more than 50 people ended homelessness (* January 2022). Every year more people enter the project and many of them are not homeless at the end of the project.

Photo: Braňo Vartovník